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  • Writer's pictureRajesh S Nair

OpenEdge Database Replication

Openedge Replication is a feature/product from Progress that provides real-time synchronization between two or more databases.  There is a replication server (source) and one or two replication agents (targets).

Progress OpenEdge Replication and Replication Plus provide tools and procedures to protect installations from potential outages by replicating a primary database to one or more remote, hot-standby  destinations. Full integrity between the source and remote databases is maintained. OpenEdge Replication is completely transparent to the applications running on the platform.

How Replication works:

Source DB/Primary database - The database your application interacts with.  Used as a source in normal operations mode

Target DB/Secondary database - The database that acts as a target in normal operations mode.

AI files enabled at source database are used to transmit data from source to replication using the OE replication server and agent.

The AI files have following status when used for replication:

>> Empty            Ready for use

>>Busy           Currently being used.

>>Full           Closed and applied to target

>>Locked            Closed and not yet applied to target

To setup replication we need to copy source and target configuration files from the DLC path (<installation path>/properties) to the corresponding database directories of  source and target.

Following is how a source property file look like:

[server]     control-agents=agent1     database=source     transition=manual     transition-timeout=600

[control-agent.agent1]    name=agent1    database=source    host=moth    port=4501    connect-timeout=120    replication-method=async    critical=0 Following is how a target property file look like [agent]    name=agent1    database=source    listener-minport=4387    listener-maxport=4500

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