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Writer's picture: Rajesh S NairRajesh S Nair

1.OpenEdge Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

By providing application transparent data encryption, TDE provides both security and performance needs using standard encryption libraries and encryption key management for secure, encrypted data supporting several encryption ciphers (AES, DES, DES-3 & RC4). 

Major Encryption features are as below : >Encrypted backup/restore>Optionally encrypt binary data dump>Encrypt data over time or immediately>No application changes>Full index capabilities on encrypted data Supporting utilities:>Enable/disable>Epolicy manage <area | table> rekey | update | encrypt>Epolicy scanTable/index move w/possible re-encryptionWe can also change encryption policies online.

2.Multi-Tenant Database

A multi-tenant OpenEdge database is a shared database with a shared schema and logically and physically isolated data storage on a per tenant or group basis. Each object (table, index, LOB) is stored in a partition. Partitions keep data physically separate for each tenant. Partitions can exist in the same storage area or different storage areas.  It enables to develop multi-tenant applications by building multi tenant tables into the database. The tenants would share the same schema definition.The data in the database is physically partitioned by tenant identity. For tables that are defined to be multi-tenant, each tenant has its own instance of the multi-tenant table (unless a partition for that table has not been allocated for that tenant). Tenants have access only to the data in the instances designated for that specific tenant as well as to tables that are shared. To enable an OpenEdge database for multi-tenancy from the command line, use the proutil command with the ENABLEMULTITENANCY qualifier.  For example: proutil <dbname> -C enablemultitenancy To programmatically enable an OpenEdge database for multi-tenancy, use OS-COMMAND statement.  For example: DEFINE VARIABLE cCommandLine AS CHARACTER   NO-UNDO.

ASSIGN     cCommandLine = "proutil sportsmt -C enablemultitenancy".

OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE(cCommandLine).  To check whether an OpenEdge database is enabled for multi-tenancy or not, use the IS-DB-MULTI-TENANT function.  For example: MESSAGE IS-DB-MULTI-TENANT("sportsmt")       VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX INFO BUTTONS OK. To check whether an OpenEdge database table is multi-tenant table, use the IS-MULTI-TENANT attribute of its buffer object handle.  For example: MESSAGE BUFFER Customer:HANDLE:IS-MULTI-TENANT     VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX INFO BUTTONS OK.

3.Utility Enhancements

Roll forwardrfutil <db> -C roll forward  –ailist <ailist- name>Can now specify a list of files to roll forward rather than individual onesAvoids redo on each restartAlso per file completion status info provided dbrestrictRestricts access to the database for processes other than thespecified operation proutil <db> -C dbrestrict [ datamove | rollforward ]                                             [ enable | disable | status] Unlike “oplock”, allows access by certain read-only activities andprostrct addFor “datamove” allows DB Broker, promon & proshut Prorest can enable –dbrestrict too!

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Writer's picture: Rajesh S NairRajesh S Nair

Now that we are familiar with the basic unix commands which would be required by a Progress DBA at various troubleshooting and day to day activity scenarios while working on a non-windows operating server like unix,solaris,linux,AIX etc, the next step for a progress DBA is to acquire ability to write shell scripts for the various activities he need to perform.

Shell scripting is similiar to a windows batch file which would contain commands or instruction to be run sequentially on the OS to perform the intended operation.

For a progress DBA , a shell scripting skillset would  provide an option to run various commands sequentially in a batch or even schedule it to run those commands at a particular time or day.

The DBA can write shell scripts to perform either an OS level activity like system health check or file creation/updation etc or he can write commands to be performed on the database for reporting/updating/processing data from database.

The commands which we learnt in the previous section can be put into a single file with a .sh extention thus creating a shell script and run as a batch.

Simplest example can be of a script to create a folder and copy a file into it.

To perform the task manually , we would be writing each command on by one on the shell.

>cd /home/test >mkdir new > cp  /home/test/abc.txt /home/test/new

The same can be written as a script say and ran on shell to perform  the above 3 operations at one go.

The can be written using a vi editor, it will look like:


#!/bin/bash ############################################################################################# # Script                : # Description           : Script to create a new folder "new" and copy abc.txt into it # # Input parameters      : N/A # # Modification history # Date                     Modified by     Version       Details # -----------                -----------     -------       -------------------------- #06-October-2016   Rajesh S Nair     1.0           Initial ############ #################################################################################

HOME=/home/test FILE=abc.txt NEWFOLDER=new

cd $HOME mkdir newfolder cp $HOME/$FILE $HOME/$NEWFOLDER

exit 0

The above is a standard way to write a shell script.We would start the script by mentioning which shell to use.(#!/bin/bash) Then we will mention the info about the script in comments section.Any line starting with # is interpreted as comment by the shell while running shell script.

Then we can define variables for the values which we would be seldom using in the script and assign it to a variable name (eg:HOME=/home/test).The values stored in these variables can be retrieved by using $ sign in front of the variable name,(eg $HOME)

Then we can write the commands which we had earlier written manually in shell in the correct order. exit 0 will terminate the shell script at end of line of shell script.

The above example might have given you a vague idea about how to proceed with shell scripting. With better knowledge on unix commands and by using them logically in your shell scripts you can write scripts to perform much more complex and huge set of opertaions and can use them further to avoid repetition of work and reduce work load for yourself.

For a progress dba writing a shell script is a very useful tool to reduce the redundancy in his work.

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Writer's picture: Rajesh S NairRajesh S Nair

Since the most used operating system for a progress database product is linux/unix/solaris as compared to windows OS, a Progress DBA is expected to have some basic knowledge of unix commands which would be helpful for the dba to troubleshoot daily basis issues.

Here i am providing basic unix commands most of them would only count as pre school lessons for any unix/linux user , later will move on to some helpful commands/utlilities.

File commands:

These would be readily required by a dba, since apart from working on the progress database utility, to operate on the files in form of dumps , structure files, definition files etc a dba would be required to use these commands

1. ls  :Directory listing 2. ls -al :Formatted listing with hidden files 3. ls -lt: Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification 4. cd dir :Change directory to dir 5. cd :Change to home directory 6. pwd :Show current working directory 7. mkdir:dir Creating a directory dir 8. cat >file: Places the standard input into the file 9. more file :Output the contents of the file 10. head file :Output the first 10 lines of the file 11. tail file: Output the last 10 lines of the file 12. tail -f file :Output the contents of file as it grows,starting with the last 10 lines 13. touch file: Create or update file 14. rm file: Deleting the file 15. rm -r dir :Deleting the directory 16. rm -f file :Force to remove the file 17. rm -rf dir: Force to remove the directory dir 18. cp file1 file2 :Copy the contents of file1 to file2 19. cp -r dir1 dir2 :Copy dir1 to dir2;create dir2 if not present 20. mv file1 file2: Rename or move file1 to file2,if file2 is an existing directory 21. ln -s file :link Create symbolic link link to file

Process Management: Each progress service including the instance of database runs as a process with a process id on the unix/linux OS systems.To have a track on the process and to perform various operation on the same a dba must be acquinted with process management commands.Having the right command at the right moment during a state of incidents could result in saving a lot of time and effort for the dba. There can be cases when a progress batch process due to programatical mistakes may go on to perform a infinite loop on the database eating up the memory and space assigned to database. The commands for processes can be a good tool for such instances.

1. ps: To display the currently working processes 2. top :Display all running process 3. kill pid :Kill the process with given pid 4. killall proc: Kill all the process named proc 5. pkill pattern :Will kill all processes matching the pattern 6. bg :List stopped or background jobs,resume a stopped job in the background 7. fg :Brings the most recent job to foreground 8. fg n: Brings job n to the foreground

Kill command(3.kill pid)  is a very powerful unix command and could be both a savior and a trouble maker at different occasions.The use of kill command should be a judicious decision since the process we are killing might cause more damage after getting killed/evicted than it was causing running.

The kill command syntax goes as

kill [ -s signal] pid

The signal provided would determine the intensity with which the kill command is executed

kill -l would list all the signals which we can use with kill command.Below are various kill signals we can use as per the requirement.It is recommended not to use kill -9 for a db process though,since it is a force kill and may result in  damage to the database entities.

NumberSignal NameDescription0SIGNULLUsed to check access to the process id1SIGHUPHup signal. Terminates the process.2SIGNINTInterrupt signal. Terminating the process3SIGQUITQuit signal. Terminate process with core dump9SIGKILLForcibly killing a process24SIGSTOPPausing the process26SIGCONTRuns a stopped process

File Permission:

1. chmod octal file : During working out with database on a unix platform we would face permission issue while trying to execute a file ,update a file or even read a file for any operation. Since the root login for unix system would not be provided to a dba in a genuine scenario we need to have adequate permissions of the file we require. chmod will change the permission of the file which would restrict the acess level for user,group,world as per the octal provided during the use of chmod command. eg: chmod 755 <filename>  will give the current user full permission to read,write and execute the file ,whereas will give the group of the user and any other user full permission to read and execute the file.

The permission 755 can be understood if we look at the below break down of the octal code

user    group  world r w x   r w x  r w x  7           5       5 111       101   101

In binary code representation of 7 5 5,  1 would represent true and 0 false , so we can make out for user a 755 would provide read,write and execute permission whereas for group and world it would provide read and execute permission.

2.chown <group:user>  <file>:chown is used to change the ownership of the file to a particular user(either a user ID or a login name from /etc/passwd) of a particular group.This is helpful in cases when we would like to define the permission levels for a file or only want it to be used by a particluar user or group.

Searching: The analyzing of log files and error files is a hectic but critical task in case of an outage or issue on the database.To speed up the analyzing part and finding the related data from chunks of log files can be achieved if the dba has a good hold on searching utilities of unix.Below are some important searching commands

1. grep pattern file :Search for pattern in file 2. grep -r pattern dir :Search recursively for pattern in dir 3. command | grep pattern :Search pattern in the output of a command 4. locate file :Find all instances of file 5. find . -name filename :Searches in the current directory (represented by a period) and below it, for files and directories with names starting with filename 6. pgrep pattern :Searches for all the named processes , that matches

System Info

The system commands would be used on a more frequent basis since the OS helath on which our database instance is running is equally important as the database health.The below commands can be used to extract OS level informations

1. date :Show the current date and time 2. cal :Show this month's calender 3. uptime :Show current uptime 4. w  :Display who is on line 5. whoami :Who you are logged in as 6. finger user :Display information about user 7. uname -a: Show kernel information 8. cat /proc/cpuinfo :Cpu information 9. cat proc/meminfo :Memory information 10. man command :Show the manual for command 11. df :Show the disk usage 12. du :Show directory space usage 13. free :Show memory and swap usage 14. whereis app :Show possible locations of app 15. which app: Show which applications will be run by default

Compression To avoid space congestion on the system which may inturn result in choking the required space for the database to expand or function, we need to archive our old files.Compression of files present on the filesystem is the best way of archiving presently unwanted files.Following are compression commands

1. tar cf file.tar file Create tar named file.tar containing file 2. tar xf file.tar Extract the files from file.tar 3. tar czf file.tar.gz files Create a tar with Gzip compression 4. tar xzf file.tar.gz Extract a tar using Gzip 5. tar cjf file.tar.bz2 Create tar with Bzip2 compression 6. tar xjf file.tar.bz2 Extract a tar using Bzip2 7. gzip file Compresses file and renames it to file.gz 8. gzip -d file.gz Decompresses file.gz back to file


There is no shortcut to success, but to attain efficiency in our task on a unix/linux OS shortcuts can come handy.Below are some useful shortcut commands :

1. ctrl+c Halts the current command 2. ctrl+z Stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background 3. ctrl+d Logout the current session, similar to exit 4. ctrl+w Erases one word in the current line 5. ctrl+u Erases the whole line 6. ctrl+r Type to bring up a recent command 7. !! Repeats the last command 8. exit Logout the current session Unix/Linux 

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