MongoDB was initially created in 2008 as part of a hosted application stack
• The companywas originally called 10gen.
• As part of their overarching plan to create the 10gen platform, the company built a database.
So , 10gen became a database company.
• In 2013, the company rebranded asMongoDB, Inc.
• The founders have other startups to their credit: DoubleClick, ShopWiki, Gilt.
• Themotivation for the database came fromobserving the following pattern with application development.
– The user base grows.
– The associated body of data grows.
– Eventually the application outgrows the database.
– Meeting performance requirements becomes difficult.
MongoDB is a document-oriented database, not a relational one. The primary reason
for moving away from the relational model is to make scaling out easier, but there are
some other advantages as well.
A document-oriented database replaces the concept of a “row” with a more flexible
model, the “document.” By allowing embedded documents and arrays, the documentoriented
approach makes it possible to represent complex hierarchical relationships
with a single record. This fits naturally into the way developers in modern object oriented
languages think about their data.
Below diagram will give insight on how a no-SQL database like mongo differs from traditional databases in terms of consistency, availability and partition tolerance.
Mongo will best suite the environment where consistency and partition tolerance holds key to the business model.
The below figure shows the various features a mongo database possess making it a cutting edge database to cater the current market requirement of application development.